Dates for the Diary 2024/25

This link will give you all the key dates for the new school year. We will update this link with any changes and also any additional events:

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Circle of Life 2024

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Coopers Lane Easter Activity Camp


Picture 1 of 1

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Weekly Newsletter

You can access the school’s weekly newsletter here to find out what we’ve been learning in school:

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Sportacus Spring Term Clubs

Coopers Lane Spring 24

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School Performances December 2023

The following links are for the school performances from December 2023. The films are password protected and passwords have been emailed to parents and carers:


Reception & Year 1

Year 2 & 3

Year 4 & 5

Year 6

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Dates for the Diary 2023/24

You can view the school calendar of events for 2023/24 here:

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Highlights of 2022/23

Click below to view a video of the school highlights from 2022/23. What an amazing year we had and what incredible memories we made!


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Class Adults for 2023/24

The following table has information concerning the adults working in each class and year group for 2023/24. We will update this list as needed through the year

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Autumn 2023 Year Group Newsletters

You can access the year group newsletters for the autumn 2023 here:

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How can you get involved?

We have an amazing PTA who organise a number of events over the year in order to raise much needed funds for the school. You can find out more here

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Term Dates 2024-2025

You can download or view the term dates for 2024-2025 here

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World Book Day 2023

This year, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday 8th March 2023. Check out the latest reading newsletter for more information:

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Teacher Strike Update

Re: NEU Teachers’ Strike on Thursday 2nd March

As a result of the upcoming strike action being taken by members of the National Education Union, in protest of teachers’ pay and conditions and school funding, the school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 2nd March to all year groups apart from the Nursery.

I am sure that you will understand that our dedicated and hard-working teachers have not taken this decision lightly. The NEU explain: “This is not about a pay rise but correcting historic real-terms pay cuts. Teachers have lost 23% in real-terms since 2010, and support staff 27% over the same period. The average 5% pay rise for teachers this year is some 7% behind inflation. In the midst of a cost of living crisis, that is an unsustainable situation.”  In addition, part of this pay rise has NOT been funded by central government, and will have to be found in the school’s existing budget. This will have a direct impact on the provision at Coopers Lane and our pupils and staff.  

Whilst we are aware of the inconvenience that the strike will cause families, teachers across the UK are asking the Government to listen to their concerns and reconsider their stance to protect education, and enhance the recruitment and retention of teachers. 

Only the Nursery will be open on the 2nd March, as usual.

 I will update you if there is any change to the arrangements prior to the 2nd March.

There are 2 further strike days planned this term; Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March. I will update you about any potential class closures on these dates as soon as I have more information.

Kind regards

Paul Hooper

Head Teacher

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December 2022 Performances

You can access a recording of each of the Christmas performance (2022) with the following links. Please check your email for the passwords.

Reception and year 1

Whoops-A-Daisy Angel

Friday 2nd December

Monday 5th December

Tuesday 6th December


Year 2 and 3

A Midwife Crisis


Year 4 and 5

Peter Pan



Story of Christmas

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Healthy Schools Award


We are delighted to have achievement the Healthy Schools London Bronze Award that recognises how we support the health and wellbeing of the school community and how we have created a health promoting environment and ethos for the pupils and staff.

Coopers Lane Primary School

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Dates for the Diary 2022/23

You can download all of the key dates for the new academic year 2022/23 here:

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Hot Weather Days – Online Learning

Online learning Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July

If your child is remaining at home, please yes the following links to access online learning. All lessons are part of a set so please start on lesson 1. On Tuesday, use the same links but click on lesson 2.


Story – The Lucky Duck

Maths – numbers beyond 20

Understanding the World – Looking After Our Oceans

Music – Habitats


Year 1

English – Anansi and Tiger

Maths – Time

Before and after =

Time to the hour =

History – Explorers and adventurers

Art – Drawing

Science – Plants


Year 2

English – The Unlucky Man

Maths – Temperature

Lesson 1=

Lesson 2 =

Geography – Understanding Brazil

Art – Print Making

Science – Extraordinary Scientists


Year 3

English – Mulan


Compare capacity =

Temperature =

Music – Rhythm

History – Shang Dynasty


Year 4

English – The Whale Rider

Maths – Position

Lesson 1 =

Lesson 2 =

Geography – Natural Resources

Music – Musical Processes

Science – Ecosystems


Year 5

English – Mirror by Jeanie Baker

Maths – Volume and Capacity

Lesson 1 =

Lesson 2 =

Science – Notable Scientists

Geography – Energy and Sustainability

Music – Beat, Pulse, Rhythm and Structure


Year 6

English – A Career in Computer Games by Anthony Horowitz


Draw nets of 3d shapes =

Ratio =

Science – History of Science

Geography – Globalisation

Art – Graphic Design



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Summer Fair 2022

A huge thank you to the PTA for organising an incredible summer fair this year. It was a wonderful event with hundreds of families enjoying the many activities, stalls and performances. A mind-blowing amount of money was raised that will be used for our new school library:


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Ofsted Report 2022

I am writing with regards to the recent inspection of the school conducted by Ofsted on the 20th and 21st April. I am very pleased to inform you that our school continues to be a ‘good’ school and the inspection report has now been published:

The inspection was a section 8 inspection, because we were previously graded as a ‘good’ school. This means that Ofsted came in to check that we are still providing a good education for the children. This involved a general look at the school as well as focusing more deeply on key subject areas. In this inspection, Ofsted decided to take a closer look at Early Reading, Maths, History and Art, along with a lighter touch look at Geography and Computing. The inspectors spoke to a number of children, staff and governors during the inspection.

The inspection report for this type of inspection is limited in detail, as the inspection team have a very tight word count available to them for each section. What is very useful alongside the report is the more in-depth verbal feedback given to the school at the end of the inspection. Senior leaders of the school, school governors and a local authority representative attended this feedback session.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the inspection team recognised the great progress made since the last school inspection. They made particular reference to the strong design of our curriculum and how effective it is being delivered as a result of good subject leadership. They said that the children make good progress because they clearly enjoy their learning and that there is consistency across the school.

During the inspection, the team talked to lots of children who all spoke incredibly positively about Coopers Lane School and about how happy they are at school. They said that they feel listened to and they are very proud of their school. The top three things that the children said in response to why they love Coopers Lane were ‘lovely staff, friendships and learning’, which is really lovely. The inspection team said that the children were a credit to us and I couldn’t agree more!

The inspection team also talked to lots of staff members and sent out a survey to staff. Again, this was overwhelmingly positive, with 100% saying that they enjoy working at Coopers Lane and that they are proud to work here.

I am also pleased that the inspection team recognised the importance put on teaching the children about values, which they noted are lived and breathed by everyone at Coopers Lane. They complimented us on the honesty and transparency of the leadership team and how, despite the pandemic, we have maintained a community feel which is special and unique to our school.     

The voice of parents and carers is an important part of the inspection and I would like to thank everyone who took part in the survey. You were effusive in your praise of school, with 100% saying your children are happy here. The lead inspector commented that she had rarely seen so many positive written comments made by parents and carers in a survey, which is wonderful and really highlights how special our school community is.

There are, of course, always areas to improve on and we will be using the feedback from our inspection to help guide our priorities for next year and beyond.

Coopers Lane is an excellent school and I am pleased that Ofsted recognise this too. I am incredibly proud to be the head teacher at Coopers Lane and I look forward to continuing this exciting journey with you all.

Paul Hooper 

Head Teacher

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Contacting the School

Coopers Lane Primary School is situated in Grove Park in the borough of Lewisham. The entrance to the school is in Pragnell Road, SE12 0LF

School Times

School Day
Mon-Fri 8:45am to 3:15pm,
Breakfast Club 7:30am to 8:45am
Afterschool clubs 3.30pm to 4.30pm
After school Tea Club 3:15pm to 6:00pm

School Office

Telephone: 0208 857 7680

Office Email


Ayse Mehmet – SBM (School Business Manager)

Rachel McCulloch – Senior Admin Assistant

Karen Hill – Admin Assistant/Attendance Officer

Claire Huckle – Admin Assistant