PE and Sports Funding

The government has provided additional funding to schools to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. The money must be used to improve the provision of P.E. and school sport.

P.E. and school sport play a very important part in the life of our school. We believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children and, through participation, our children build and learn more about our key values such as respect, tolerance, teamwork, resilience, friendship, trust and responsibility.

For the academic year 2023/24 we received £21,210 in sports funding.

Coopers Lane Primary School is committed to ensuring all our children enjoy sport and physical activity. We strive to build on the enthusiasm for PE that is felt by the whole school community and at the same time fully support the government’s ambition to secure a significant and lasting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

We support pupil’s physical education in the following ways:

Sports Coach

Coopers Lane are extremely pleased to have employed a professionally trained sports coach this year. Coach Nick will be delivering PE lessons for all of our children from Y1-6. He has worked at Coopers Lane for a number of years, having worked for our previous sports provider HW School Skills.

If we can have the best teachers of a subject who know when to use a specific method, when to step in and when to allow a child to discover themselves, we will make for a fun, educational environment for all.

Alongside delivering PE lessons, Coach Nick will be running sports teams and taking them to matches and tournaments outside of school. This supports the development of the children’s sportsmanship and adds a competitive edge to their enjoyment of sport.

New equipment

Our school’s PE budget and donations from the school community ensure that we have a wide range of equipment for the children to use. Equipment is checked regularly to make sure that it is all in good working order, and anything in need of repair is fixed or updated.

In recent times we have bought lots of exciting equipment, from small pieces like balls and ankle hoppers, to larger projects like the renovation of the football cage.

Lunchtime games

It is not just during PE sessions that children at Coopers Lane School develop their sporting skills and fitness. At lunchtime children play games and use equipment with support staff. Children in Monument class said, “We like playing different sports at lunchtime. You learn to do new things.” An increased number of activities in both playgrounds has led to a significant reduction in incidents.

After school enrichment activities

We provide a range of enrichment activities, or clubs, for the children to take part in after school. These currently include Multiskills, gymnastics, and Football for both KS1 and KS2. The children are able to choose a new club each term.


Children from across the school have the opportunity to be involved in tournaments with other schools. This supports the development of the children’s sportsmanship and adds a competitive edge to their enjoyment of sport. We have had great success recently in different sports such as football and basketball.

Contacting the School

Coopers Lane Primary School is situated in Grove Park in the borough of Lewisham. The entrance to the school is in Pragnell Road, SE12 0LF

School Times

School Day
Mon-Fri 8:45am to 3:15pm,
Breakfast Club 7:30am to 8:45am
Afterschool clubs 3.30pm to 4.30pm
After school Tea Club 3:15pm to 6:00pm

School Office

Telephone: 0208 857 7680

Office Email


Ayse Mehmet – SBM (School Business Manager)

Rachel McCulloch – Senior Admin Assistant

Karen Hill – Admin Assistant/Attendance Officer

Claire Huckle – Admin Assistant