Curriculum Overviews
Year 1-6
Our curriculum is action packed and full of interactive and exciting learning opportunities throughout the key stages. It is stimulating, engaging and promotes independence. Children will be taught the foundation subjects (History, Geography, Music, Art, DT, PSHE, and PE) through motivating half-termly topics. Children will become explorers and detectives to find out more about the world around them and significant historical periods. Trips and visits linked to the topics will bring their learning to life.
The children’s learning begins with a topic launch day where they will take part in a range of activities that will immerse them in the exciting topic.
The following Year Group Subject Maps, give a one page snapshot of what will be taught in each subject over the whole year.
The following half-termly overviews provide you with a summary of what the children will learn in each subject during each half-term (Maths and English overviews can be found on the relevant subject page of the website).
Autumn Half-Term 1
Autumn Half-Term 2
Spring Half-Term 1
Spring Half-Term 2
Summer Half-Term 1
Summer Half-Term 2