At Coopers Lane we believe that the use of phonics is crucial in the teaching of early reading and writing. We use Floppy’s Phonics, which is a systematic synthetic phonics programme.
The programme is delivered in two distinct sessions:
1) Session 1 is a teacher-led session focusing on revision of past letter/s-sound correspondences and the introduction of sounds and graphemes. There is also modelling and practising the skills of blending, segmenting and handwriting using a range of interactive resources.
2) Session 2 provides a revise-and-apply routine in which the children focus on their learning, at their own level, using the Say the Sounds Posters, Sounds Books, Activity Sheets/Books and Cumulative Texts, with the teacher drawing the attention of the whole class together as needed.
The second session can take place later in the day or the next day, or as an immediate follow-on. Each sound is also linked to a Sounds reading book, which is used to support the new learning.
Some words, which cannot be phonetically sounded out, are taught at each stage. These are ‘tricky words’ and are taught through sight recognition.
Click here to see the suggested timetables for Reception and Year 1.