(Special Education Needs and Disabilities)
At Coopers Lane we are committed to inclusive practice and pursuing the best outcomes for all pupils. We can offer the following provision to support children with Special Educational Needs/Disability, dependent on their individual needs. We offer
* An extremely well-resourced SEND space (Bond Street) where individual children and small groups of pupils receive additional teaching according to need
* Our own sensory room which is themed termly and used to develop language acquisition and extend children’s vocabulary
* Visual timetables in every class. Individual visual timetables for specific children as appropriate
* In-class workstations to promote independence and provide a low stimuli focus areaDifferentiation of planning, tasks and activities to accommodate the individual needs of all children
* A variety of opportunities for children to work collaboratively including whole class, small group and paired tasks
* Individual learning targets set for every child; additional targets set for children with a statement of SEND/Educational Health Care Plan
* Multisensory opportunities based on a range of learning styles including auditory, visual and kinaesthetic approaches
* Displays to celebrate children’s work, working walls and multisensory interactive displays
* Tactile resources and artefacts are available for hands-on learning
* An interactive whiteboard and a class set of iPads are available in each classroom; each class is also timetabled to work in the computing suite once a week
* Group rooms are available and timetabled for additional intervention work across all key stage
The local authority are hold parent and carer drop-in sessions at Kaleidoscope, for any parent or carer with a child who has a disability or additional needs. You can find more information here.
We have a resource base for deaf children – find out more here